Archive for 2011

Dinosaurs more fact more fiction


Dinosaurs was one of the most successful animals in terms of longevity that have ever lived on this earth. They were generally found into many diverse shapes and sizes.The word dinosaurs were design by sir Richard Owen in 1842 to explain these fearful animals. Particularly Megalosaurus, Iguanodon and Hylaeosaurus, the only three dinosaurs known at that time. The animals generally we think of as dinosaurs lived during the period of Triassic about 225 million years ago and the end of these creatures about 65 million years ago. But we know somewhere they actually live as the birds.

Misconception about the dinosaurs:

Not everything huge and dead is a dinosaur.
We often see in books, movies and through some others medium authors or directors trying to add such animals for their popular audience. Dianosaurs is a group of aquatic and land animals that includes crocodiles, pterosaurs and birds. Though pterosaurs are lookalike dinosaurs but they are not actual dinosaurs. Even aquatic animals are faraway related to dinosaurs, which include the plesiosauras and ichthyosaurs. Godzilla and rhinoceros is creature and didn’t appear until millions of years after the end of cretaceous period. Some animals are neither a reptile nor a mammal such as Dimetrodon.

All dinosaurs didn’t live at the same time
Different types of dinosaurs lived at different yeras. We have seen Jurassic park, King Kong and some other movies where dinosaurs were described briefly, despite the likeness or copy in the movies no stegosaurus ever saw a tyrannosaurus, because it not appeared on the scene until 80 and same goes for Apatosaurus-its bone were well solid by the time.

Dinosaurs are not died.
Technically, scientists are discovered that dinosaurs are not died. This evidence they have got after the research of dinosaurs skeleton and they are considering that dinosaurs are alive in the form of birds. This shocking information makes a person to imagine a small moving bird as a authentic dinosaurs. So rather than mention to “dinosaurs” and birds as separate, individual groups. It would be best to mention to the traditional, dead animals as “non air borne dinosaurs” and birds as, well, birds or air borne dinosaurs. It would be wrong to say that dinosaurs are completely disappeared. They have left living children’s in the form of small mammals and their friends-just like wild things are still mammals .

How the existence of the dinosaurs were finish.
There are various theories to explain how they became extinct he unusually large extinction at the end of the cretaceous period. There is now global evidence that there is a comet impact or falling star impact may be the reason of extinction. We can see this impact on most of the planets in our solar system. A visible example of this was noticed in 1994, when Jupiter was struck with the falling stars and blasted larger than the earth’s diameter. Other factors may be thorough release of volcanic gases, climate cooling, sea level changes, poison gases from the blasts or changes in the earth’s orbit or magnetic field may have donated to this extinction occurrence.

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Spellbinding Animal Dinosaurs


Many of us, most children and quite a few adults too, are very curious about dinosaurs. We are always eager to know more about dinosaur’s life that wander about the earth thousands of years ago. Though we have seen plenty of dinosaurs in movies like Jurassic park and its series, in discovery channel, books and also in children’s toys, how much do you know about this interesting animal? Here are some few facts about dinosaurs which you can amaze your friends and family with.

1) It is said that dinosaurs first seen during the period of Triassic may be 284 to 213 million years ago. They lived through the entire Jurassic period and it is considered that the end of the interesting era 65 million years ago.

2) We know about the dinosaurs because some proof has been found. The proof, which are generally found in muddy rocks are bones, teeth, skin, claws, etc. as well as small bit proof, which shows how they lived which include foot prints, nests, tooth marks, dung, hole etc.

3) The earth’s surface slowly moves through a process of “planetary tectonics”. When the dinosaurs first seen, all the earth’s surfaces were joined together in one super-surface and known as “Pangea” and this happened in period of Triassic.

4) All the well known types of dinosaurs drain away at the end of the amazing period. There are many fairy tales means logics why this may have happened on earth. But today the most famous logic is that may be heavenly body hit the earth so that there was not enough food available for eat. Proof for this logic , many people consider that there would be a layer of something may be iridium which would come from heaven. Which has been found around the world and southern Mexico can be an example in this regard.

5) The smallest dinosaur is known as Compsognathus, which lived in Europe and was about chicken size. This is believed to have eaten insects, lizards and small mammal.

6) There are few dinosaurs that are huge in size and they were over 100 feet long. The largest could be some kind of sourwood a four legged plant eating animal with a long neck may be lived in late Jurassic or early era.

7) The word dinosaurs was discovered by Sir Richard Owen, who was also a chairman of the national history museum in London, England. In Greek words “deinos”(terrible) and sauros”(lizard) means terrible lizard.

8) Scientist has been finding dinosaurs organic for hundreds of years, but didn’t know what they were. In 1824 William Buckland was the first scientist who described about the dinosaur.

9) At the same time that dinosaurs rule the land, there were many aquatic reptiles and flying dinosaurs dominated the seas and the sky.

If you want to know more information about the dinosaurs login to these website such as, etc. These sites content all the details about this huge and big animal.

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Dinosaurs: The Most Amazing Species Of Animals In The Whole World


During the 1820s that was the very first time when scientists first started studying dinosaurs, when they discovered the bones of a large land reptile they titled it a “big lizard” buried in the English countryside. Sir Richard Owen, Britain’s, who is a leading paleontologist of Britain, first coined the term “dinosaur” In 1842. Owen studied the bones of three different creatures namely--Megalosaurus, Iguanadon (“iguana tooth”) and Hylaeosaurus (“woodland lizard”). Each of these cratures used to live on land.They were huge in size than any other living reptile. They used to walk with their legs directly below their bodies. Moreover they had three more vertebrae in their hips than other known reptiles. Studying this information, Owen concluded that these three formed a different and special group of reptiles, which he named as Dinosauria. The word is extracted from an ancient Greek word

deinsssos (“terrible”) +sauros (“lizard” or “reptile”)= Dinosauria

Since then, dinosaur fossils have been found from most of the corner of the world. Paleontologists examined them to find out more about the types of these creatures that existed. After studying the fossils of dinosaurs scientists divided the species of then in two parts: the “bird-hipped” Ornithischia and the “lizard-hipped” Saurischia. From there, as the studies moved on dinosaurs were categorized in more genera and each genus into one or more species. Studies also say that some dinosaurs were walked on two legs, some on four legs and some were able to switch between these two walking styles. Some dinosaurs were covered with a type of armor that helped them to protect themselves, while other’s bodies were covered with feathers. Some of them were able to move quickly, while others were very much slow. Most of the dinosaurs were herbivores, or plant-eaters, but few of them were carnivorous and used to kill other dinosaurs to survive. Also the dinosaurs had a huge body with tons of weight with 2 to 5 tons as estimated.

Various movies have been made to demonstrate the life style of the dinosaurs. Movies like Jurassic park has made its best efforts to reveal the secrets related to their lives. After watching these movies you can get the depth insight of dinosaurs. Also some studies say that these species were never existed. But what we can say about rumors. We can just believe on the facts and figures that has been introduced.

Despite the fact that dinosaurs no longer exist in our planet, ostensible shadow of these enormous reptiles can be identified in theirjavascript:void(0) modern-day descendants: birds. Dinosaurs have died physically died but they still exist among us, they live on in the study of paleontology. The uncovered secrets about them will let them live with us for a very long time.

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Hidden Secrets Of Lives Of The Dinosaurs


Lives of dinosaurs evolve around facts and figures stated by scientists, the discussions that concluded in some results, assumptions as well as few rumors. Here I have present few facts that can give you a glimpse of the features and as well as living style of these huge creatures.

Dinosaurs were not the first huge reptiles

The first dinosaurs existed about 230 million years ago. Before then, the dominant land reptiles on the earth big lizards or archosaurs and mammal-like reptiles. After 20 million or so years after, the first dinosaurs that appeared were fearsome crocodiles. Around 200 million years ago, it was the beginning of the rise of dinosaurs.

They flourished for more than 150 million years

With our 100-year-max life time, modern humans have only existed for a few hundred thousand years, and human civilization only got going about 10,000 years ago. But you may be surprise of knowing that dinosaurs dominated the earth for more than 150 million years.

Dinosaurs evolved into birds

Few paleontologists say that modern birds are evolved from small, feathered dinosaurs during the late Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. But some of the scientists do not agree with this fact.

Some dinosaurs were warm-blooded

Modern reptiles like turtles and crocodiles are cold-blooded, or we can say that they are "ectothermic," which means that their body temperature fluctuates with changes in the surrounding temperature. But modern mammals are warm blooded "endothermic," which generate their own heat to maintain their body temperature.

Most dinosaurs were herbivores

If you think that all of the dinosaurs were carnivores then you are wrong. You may be shocked with the fact that most of the dinosaurs were herbivores. They were vegetarian and used to eat plants.

They had mind

A study says that they were not dumb. They could use their minds. Some plant-eating dinosaurs had tiny brains as compared to their huge body and this feature made them little but smarter than others.

Many studies have been done to open the deep layered secrets of the life of the dinosaurs. But still there is a lot to study, to reveal. This is not a process of short time. Scientists are still busy in examining their life styles. They have been the hugest creatures in our planet and ruled it for so many years.

Various movies have been released in this prospect to give a glimpse of their lives as people have always been interested in their way of living.

You can read several books and also search across internet to learn the hidden facts of dinosaurs. Various books have been written, several articles have been submitted and also there are various sites that use to update themselves with the latest facts and figures about dinosaurs. Go through these sites and take a look about these huge creatures.

Enter the age of dinosaurs in the most exciting online paleontology site